Modeling and data science for citizens: multicultural diversity and environmental monitoring at ICWSM

This year we decided to be present at ICWSM 2016 in Cologne, with two contributions that basically blend model driven software engineering and big data analysis, to provide value to users and citizens both in terms of high quality software and added value information provision.

We joined with two papers, respectively:
Model Driven Development of Social Media Environmental Monitoring Applications presented at the SWEEM (Workshop on the Social Web for Environmental and Ecological Monitoring) workshop.

Slides here:


Studying Multicultural Diversity of Cities and Neighborhoods through Social Media Language Detection, presented at the CityLab workshop at ICWSM 2016. The focus of this work is to study cities as melting pots of people with different culture, religion, and language. Through multilingual analysis of Twitter contents shared within a city, we analyze the prevalent language in the different neighborhoods of the city and we compare the results with census data, in order to highlight any parallelisms or discrepancies between the two data sources. We show that the officially identified neighborhoods are actually representing significantly different communities and that the use of the social media as a data source helps to detect those weak signals that are not captured from traditional data. Slides here:

We now continuously look for new dataset and computational challenges. Feel free to ask or to propose ideas!

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